Wider Learning Opportunities

To help the children to learn from direct and vivid experience, they are taken out of school on study visits to enhance their learning.  These study visits widen the children’s educational experiences and are not to be confused with day trips! We also bring people into school to talk to and entertain the children, again giving them educational experiences, which broaden their understanding of the world. 

We regularly hold themed Super Learning Days, where we suspend the normal timetable and work on thinking skills to promote children’s awareness of how best they can learn. We also hold termly Art days, and an annual Learning to Learn Week and Book Week. We also teach children Circus Skills, through sessions delivered, to all age groups, at the end of each term.

Visits include visits from a variety of people including Theatre Companies, authors, The Fire Service, Railway Police and Greater Manchester Police Force.

During our Aspirations Week, a range of speakers come and talk to children in Years 5 and 6 about their experiences of life, work and education. We have had university students, lawyers, medics, sound engineers, cartoonists, TV producers, Olympians, company directors and scientists. We have had visits from former pupils in a range of jobs, including a dentist, a film director and a professional musician.

The theme of citizenship also recurs throughout our teaching and runs alongside our enrichment work. This work aims to provide the children with experiences that will give them an understanding and awareness of the way society works and the contribution they can expect to make. Each year children are elected to join our School Council, where they can debate issues raised by others, directly or through class suggestion boxes.


Mauldeth Road Primary School
Mauldeth Road,
M14 6SG

Mr Andrew Kilcoyne

T: 0161 224 3588

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