
SEND at Mauldeth Road Primary School

Mauldeth Road Primary School is an inclusive school with a strong, caring, pastoral structure which underpins an inspiring curriculum. We seek to develop the potential of every child in all subjects. Staff care for the children and are skilled in planning to meet their individual needs, both personally and academically. We believe that building good relationships is the key to success and the children and staff of Mauldeth Road Primary School are encouraged to work together to ensure everyone feels cared for, valued and happy – supported by parents and the governing body. Older children are encouraged to take on responsibility around school and be good examples for our younger children.

Our curriculum is based on developing a high standard of English and maths skills which can be transferred across to other subjects. High academic achievement and creative development are valued at all stages, with the classroom focus continuing to be on challenge, engagement, inspiration, fun and memorable learning. Learning is celebrated in all its forms and children are encouraged to take risks and be independent, resilient and confident, both inside and outside the classroom. We have a committed staff team, who support and encourage learning, including those children who may need a little extra help.

Our aim is that all children leave Mauldeth Road Primary school believing in themselves, having the skills to support others and striving to reach their full potential as calm, courteous, kind and co-operative lifelong learners. 

Not all children will need extra support with their learning but the progress of all children at Mauldeth Road Primary School is monitored closely to ensure support is provided where necessary.  Support can be given for a variety of reasons.

For many children, a little additional support and support from other agencies enables them to overcome their difficulties. However, some children will continue to need more help throughout their time at school. If you would like to know more information, please contact  the SENDCO, Joanne McQueen : [email protected]

SEND Local Offer: Who to Contact in Manchester

Information, Advice and Support (IAS) Manchester

Telephone: 0161 209 8356
Email: [email protected]

For free confidential and impartial information, advice and support about any matters relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities of children and young people up to the age of 25 years.

Please contact the service if you wish to access an

Independent Supporter

to help you prepare for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Statutory Assessment Team

Telephone: 0161 245 7439

Email: [email protected]

Enquiries about requests for Education, Health and Care Plans 

Travel Co-ordination Unit

Telephone: 0161 219 6400

Email: [email protected]

Enquiries about home to school transport for children with statements of SEN or EHC plans. Please note that telephone enquiries are answered by Environment On Call.

Specialist Resource Team

Enquiries about short breaks for children and young people with SEND.

Central DistrictTelephone: 0161 245 7180

South DistrictTelephone: 0161 998 7280

Email: [email protected]

Parental Engagement Team
Enquires about promoting or demonstrating the Local Offer to parents and Professionals.

Telephone:0161 234 1946

Email:[email protected]



          Manchester Parent Carer Forum

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Mauldeth Road Primary School
Mauldeth Road,
M14 6SG

Mr Andrew Kilcoyne

T: 0161 224 3588

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