

Music at Mauldeth Road


When teaching music we aim to:

  • foster an interest in, and understanding of, music
  • involve all the children with singing games, encouraging the use of voice, body percussion and movement
  • develop the children’s listening skills, using balls and beanbags to learn about the building blocks of music
  • encourage the children to find and develop their own musicality
  • enable the children to participate in music making with increasing confidence, control and cooperation 
  • introduce both formal and informal music notation

At Mauldeth Road we want to foster in the children an appreciation of music and a willingness to experiment and perform. Children are introduced to a range of musical styles and songs from very early on. We work to develop children’s understanding of the elements of music (particularly pulse, rhythm, tempo, melody and dynamics) so that by Year 6 they will have a good musical skillset, as well as having learnt about, and experienced, various musical notations.  

We have a thriving culture of children’s singing at the school and believe that the voice is the foundation of all music learning. We have a singing practice for all of KS1 and all of KS2 every week.





Children in Nursery and Reception learn songs, singing games and nursery rhymes.

They have time to play percussion instruments and are encouraged to explore and create their own music.

Recep Music Comments.PNG

Year 1




Music games are an important part of learning in Year 1, helping  children to develop and practise rhythm and pulse, the most basic building blocks of music.


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Year 2


Yr2 Music Comments.PNG   In Year 2 the children sing more complex songs and games.  They use movement to experience subdivision in rhythm and play percussion instruments, learning to control their sounds.

Year 3




Children in Year 3 begin to read music notation and learn more songs and games to reinforce awareness of pulse, rhythm and pitch.

They listen to a range of music and respond in movement.

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Year 4


In Year 4 the children explore metre, using balls and beanbags and continue to reinforce musical concepts using movement and body percussion with songs and games.

The children use percussion instruments to improvise and compose, learning about graphic and other forms of notation.

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Year 5





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By Year 5 the children have a good understanding of the elements of music and use their knowledge to compose music in groups.

They combine their skills in art and music, responding visually to music.

Year 6


Children in Year 6 use the skills they have learnt and work together in music making, composing music in groups, playing class samba, and performing at local sheltered housing. ssY6composing.png


Yr6 Music Comments.PNG

Mauldeth Road Primary School
Mauldeth Road,
M14 6SG

Mr Andrew Kilcoyne

T: 0161 224 3588

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