Design Technology

Design & Technology at Mauldeth Road


When teaching design and technology we intend:

To enable children to develop the skills they need for designing and making, through a range of creative and practical activities.  

To help children appreciate a range of mechanisms and techniques for applying them.

To develop children’s ability to investigate, analyse and evaluate a range of products, applying their understanding and technical knowledge across a range of tasks and using a variety of materials, and to consider the environmental impact, their after-life and possible alternatives.  

To develop the skills needed to prepare and cook healthy food.


Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In EYFS, children explore many opportunities to design and build using a variety of means. They will use simple construction kits and a range of materials to explore making larger structures from samller parts and to work out how to conect things together. They will think about what they are making and how it could be used.


children enjoy junk modelling and simple construction
There are lots of opportunities to explore design.
Children are proud of their creations.

Year 1


In Year 1 children make toast. they , create moving pictures and explore construction and design through play.


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Children explore construction materials
Making toast.
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Children have opportunities to taste and prepare different foods.

Year 2

In Year 2, Children create 'Roly Polys' to investigate movement. They make healthy       fruit Salad and create their own fridge magnets



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Y2 children with roly-polys
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Fruit salad.

Year 3


In Year 3, Children will bake their own
bread. They will learn about food hygeine and will consider the different ingredients needed and why they are used.

Children will design and make puppets and use a range of skills to work out how their ideas can be realised. they will also design and construct  wooden photo frames. This will involve thinking about the sizes of the parts, how they can fit together and be joined and how they can be decotrated.

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Children bake and taste types of bread.
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Children taste bread from around the world.

Year 4

In Year 4 children create treasure boxes to store their favourite things. They think about fair trade when learning about tea and make
their own hot drink. They also make a Labyrinth game to stop them from ever 
feeling  bored!



Treasure boxes using 3-D designs
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A finished labyrinth game.
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Y4 children enjoy their tea tasting!

Year 5

In year 5, children create Pop-up Books about the Mayan cicilastion. Here children will investigate different techniques of folding and manipulating paper for creating pop-up joints and movement. Later, children will use cams to build a Moving Beast. In Food Technology, children will explore how to make a healthy sandwich. 




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Pop-up activity books based on the Mayan civilisation
Cam and lever inside moving creature

Year 6


In Year 6, children make Viking Brooches investigating joining materials and design for decorative purposes. They also look at Control systems linking ICT with design. They also make buggies linking their scientific knowledge of electrical circuits to their design.



Viking brooch designs
Buggies  with an electrical circuit 
Children also have regular  opportunities to do food technology.


Mauldeth Road Primary School
Mauldeth Road,
M14 6SG

Mr Andrew Kilcoyne

T: 0161 224 3588

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